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New Directions English Language School - Funded By Government

    New Directions News/Events Details

Aldergrove Fair Days 2024

New Directions English Language School participated and helped organize volunteers thanks to Janice Campbell, the Aldergrove LINC Coordinator, for the Aldergrove Fair Days on July 20 and 21, 2024. LINC 3/4 afternoon students from the Langley City New Directions site volunteered at the fair with  Ruby (LINC 3 Evening & Aldergrove instructor) on Saturday, July 20th, and with Zeig (LINC 3/4 Instructor Langley City site) on Sunday, July 21st.

LINC 3/4 Student together with her husband answering inquiries.

Cst. K.J. Kim - Langley Community Liaison Officer with LINC 3/4 Instructor Zeig and his son.

LINC 3/4 students with Ruby (LINC Evening & Aldergrove Instructor)